- From November 22nd Friday to 24th Sunday 2019 at CMS College, Kottayam.
- Theme: Environment and Sustainability: Contestations and Confrontations.
Organizing Secretary: Dr. Sobha B Nair Professor & Head (Rtd), Department of Sociology, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
Dr. Johnson M. M. Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, CMS College, Kottayam.
Conference Theme
Subjugation of the Nature for the sake of development is one of the social phenomena of recent times. The burgeoning population corresponding with the escalating anthropogenic activities has resulted in wanton degradation of the environmental resources. With the ascendency of science and technology, the exploitation of natural resources has taken varied forms which poses several questions on sustainability of our planet. As the transnational engagements in colonising our ecology exist, reconstructing our paradigm of development and progress is relevant. A sociological discourse on environment and sustainability will divulge the underlined contestations and confrontations regarding nature of sustainability practiced within the realm of social life.
The discourses and deliberations on the theme are structured on the following sub-themes:
- Modernization and cultural change-An Indian Perspective
- Health, Culture and Society
- Human Behavioural approach to Green development
- Gender roles towards sustainable environment
- Traditional approaches for environmental conservation
- Urban dynamics and sustainable development
- Youth and sustainable development
There will be a panel session on the theme with special reference to Kerala. In addition, two special sessions will be organized:
1) for teachers and research scholars and
2) for student community, separately on topics that are related to the theme, but significant to the respective groups.
Paper Presentation
Those interested in presenting papers in the academic sessions have to mail in their abstracts to the email: keralasociologicalsociety@gmail.com before September 30th 2019. The abstracts shall be sent adhering strictly to the following specifications: 200 words, font- Times New Roman, 12 pt., 1.5 spaces, providing the name, designation, institutional affiliation and address, Life Membership Number, email and mobile number of the presenter. A Committee will scrutinize the abstracts and only the selected abstracts will be accepted for presentation.
The criteria for scrutiny are:
1) Relevance of the paper to the theme
2) Methodological application and
3) Theoretical and Conceptual clarity
The selected papers will be informed by 10th October 2019 and the full paper will have to be turned in by November 5th. Only those who have submitted the full paper on time shall present their papers in the Conference.
Life membership in KSS, particularly for teachers, permanent or temporary, and research scholars is essential for paper presentation. Life membership Number has to be furnished along with the abstract. Nonetheless, a person whose paper has been selected for presentation, but do not possess a Life Membership, need to have a minimum of one-year ordinary membership. Ordinary membership can be obtained at the conference registration desk by remitting Rs. 500/-, prior to the paper presentation.
Registration Fee
No. | Category of participants | In rupees |
1. | Senior delegates & Teachers | 1500 |
2. | Research scholars with UGC Scholarship | 1000 |
3. | Guest Lecturers and research scholars | 750 |
4. | Students | 350 |
Kerala Sociological Society
Kerala Sociological Society (KSS) is the organization of Sociologists from all over the world, formed in 1971 to promote teaching and research in Sociology and to raise the status of the profession. Over the years, the Society has organized many conferences and several academic programmes on issues of regional and national importance. It has been publishing a bi-annual ‘Kerala Sociologist’ which is in the 35th year of its uninterrupted publication.
Kottayam :Located in the central province of Kerala, Kottayam has a unique place in the socio-cultural landscape of the state. Its excellence in the arena of literature, print-media, and pioneering ventures in the establishment of the first printing press in 1821 by Rev.Benjamin Bailey, the first principal of CMS College and publishing the first journal ‘Treasury of Knowledge’ and also the achievement of 100 percent literacy is one of the milestones in the cultural history of Kottayam which make Kottayam city ‘Akshra Nagari’, meaning the ‘city of letters’. It is also known as the city of letters, Lakes and Latex.
CMS College & Post Graduate Department of Sociology:
The College Cotym, which later on came to be known as CMS College, was established in 1817 by the Church Missionary Society of England. It is the oldest higher education institution in South India. CMS College has entered the third century of its academic and cultural journey. In 1999, the College was accorded the Five Star status by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council of India. In 2013, the college celebrated the 100th year of women’s entry into higher education. In 2014 the college was reaccredited by NAAC, with ‘A’ Grade and being the beacon of knowledge in the land of Kerala, the UGC granted ‘Heritage Status’ to the college in 2016. In 2016 the college was conferred with autonomous status by the University Grants Commission. The institution is now under the management of the Diocese of Madhya Kerala of the Church of South India.
The Post Graduate Department of Sociology, CMS College having crossed the 50 year landmark in the domain of higher education is on the surge of new heights. From its inception the department has focused on the task of imparting quality education, in tune with liberative mission of the college. The department is also a recognized research Centre of the MG University, Kottayam.