- From November 9thFriday to 11thSunday 2018 at Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady.
- Theme: Sociology, Society & Social Engagements
- Organizing Secretary: Dr. Biju Vincent Dept. of Sociology, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit
Conference Theme
Though a young discipline, Indian sociology has had a chequered trajectory in the short span of its growth and development from its textually blended, Western, colonial and indological origins to the empirical and field based growth through nationalistic struggle and nation building projects to the age of globalization and after. Marked and punctured by more or less distinct transitional phases, the discipline has grown encountering corresponding changes in theorizing and operationalizing researches by way of shifting paradigms, premises, themes and trends. Resultantly, there occurred greater diversification and differentiation in the choices and concerns in its research, praxis and engagements. The theme of the 45th Conference of the Kerala Sociological Society, titled Sociology, Society and Social Engagements is indeed a retrospection and introspection so as to review the prospects of the discipline in the present day changing world. The topic Sociology Society and Social Engagements, assumes greater scope and significance in the neo-liberal context wherein education and academia driven by market forces are largely privatized and commoditized and therefore guided by utility syndrome. At this juncture, the seminar calls for a revisit at the societal engagements and interventions of the discipline of Sociology at the intellectual, academic, professional and social fronts.
- Sociology – Pedagogy and Praxis in India/Kerala
- Challenges to Sociology in India/Kerala
- Professionalization of Sociology in India/Kerala
- Sociology at the intellectual and Academic fronts
- Teaching and Learning in Sociology in India/Kerala
- Sociology and Engaged Knowledge Building
- Everyday forms of Sociology
- Sociology in a globalized world
- Sociology, Development and Transformation
- Indigenization of Sociology
- Sociology of the Marginalized Communities
- Sociology of the Elderly
- Sociology, Demography and Migration
- Sociology, Marriage, Family and Kinship
- Sociology and Culture
- Sociology, Gender and Transgender
- Sociology and Politics
- Sociology Crime and Violence
- Sociology, Communication and Media
- Sociology, Social movements and Mobilization
Besides the academic sessions, there will be a panel session on the theme with special reference to Kerala. In addition, two special sessions will be organized:
1) for teachers and research scholars and
2) for the student community, separately on topics that are related to the theme, but significant to the respective groups.